My Definition of Distance

As I have stated repeatedly, most members of the social gaming industry approach international markets in a tactical, if not knee jerk, manner. All whining aside, today I wanted to write about the first step in formulating strategies for specific regions. That step is to analyze each region using a distance framework (before anyone accuses me of plagiarism, I consider Pankaj Ghemawat the best international business strategist around and have adapted many of his methodologies). Continue reading “My Definition of Distance”

My Definition of Beta

In the social game industry, financial beta is often overlooked, especially when crafting an international strategy. In financial circles, beta is a measurement of risk for stocks and other investments in relation to the market. This is how closely the financial instruments performance is correlated with the overall market performance. Continue reading “My Definition of Beta”

Hello world!

This blog is dedicated to the social gaming ecosystem in North Carolina.  Lloyd Melnick, the CEO at FiveOneNine Games, is the lead author for the blog. Since starting this blog, Lloyd has moved on to now leading StarsPlay, The Stars Group social and free to play gaming division. This is Lloyd’s personal blog, and all posts are his opinion and do not represent those of his employer or anyone else.